

Où voir Safari Netflix



Une famille est en safari au Kenya pendant les années 1950. Au retour d'une chasse aux lions, Ken découvre sa soeur et son fils massacrés par les Mau Mau, des rebelles luttant contre les colons britanniques. Il jure de les venger..



Six touristes français ont décidé de découvrir l'Afrique du Sud au cours d'un safari organisé par Richard Dacier. Ils ignorent alors que leur guide n'a pas mis les pieds dans la brousse depuis 30 ans... Et qu'il a peur des animaux !.



En Afrique, des touristes allemands et autrichiens viennent chasser dans les vastes étendues où antilopes, impalas, zèbres, gnous et autres ruminants paissent par milliers. Ils traversent la savane en voiture tout terrain, attendent et guettent leur proie. Ils tirent, pleurent d’excitation et prennent la pose devant la dépouille des animaux qu’ils ont abattus. Un film de vacances meurtrières, un film sur la nature..



Dakota, a young American, arrives in the Dominican Republic at the dawn of the Trump era with little idea of why he is there, where he is headed, or what might come next. After checking into a beachside hotel, he finds himself in the crossfire of a volatile love triangle between two hotheads and the mysterious and elusive femme fatale Fabiola..



Marco, a young Roman reporter, travels to Zaire to carry out a report commissioned by an important naturalistic magazine, but when he arrives in Africa he comes across an illicit drug trafficking..



Safari is an American, found footage thriller film, set in South African wild, where animals and poachers rule the land. Two worlds collide when Mbali, a young zulu girl, meets an American tourist group who have come to explore and go on safari in South Africa. Things take a wrong turn after the group enter uncharted hunting grounds where they are forced to face the untamed wild..



Acting : Safari
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Safari en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Safari
popularity : 0.001
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Safari en streaming gratuit.



Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love..



This wordless, hallucinatory nature documentary is not precisely natural, nor exactly a documentary. Following the travails of a cockroach through a studio-constructed tropical paradise, its extreme close-ups present a world in which bizarre plants and animals engage in a constant dance of eat and be eaten..



Bombay-based Anjali Aggarwal's father, Ajit, is the owner of Aggarwal Industries. Asha challenges Ajit that she can run the business better and he accepts the challenge. Her plan is to build a new factory on a small island called Manjira in the Indian Ocean..



A shy, young dreamer escapes the confines of his rural home to join a fearless girl on an adventure through the Kenyan wilderness..



Between 1933 and 1935, the painter Wilhelm Eggert and his wife Dora Kuster traveled the African continent. Their expedition took them from Mediterranean Algiers through the Sahara and parts of the African west coast to the Congo and Kenya. Not only did the couple explore vast stretches of land that were almost completely unknown, at least to private travelers at the time, they also captured this journey on film. A screenable documentary film was compiled from the original 12,000m of film material. In cinemas and film clubs, European audiences were presented with a film that was evidently able to satisfy an interest in foreign, 'wild' cultures and exotic landscapes, albeit one that was always Eurocentric. The spectacular shots of African lifestyles and nature, which in many respects were new to European viewers who were almost completely unfamiliar with Africa, were praised and appreciated precisely because of their supposed authenticity..



The award-winning educational zoological series hosted by Canadian naturalist John Ross brings you face to face with the most fascinating creatures on earth. Never before has there been such an insightful and timely wildlife series. The cameras of Safari tell a compelling story, never shying away from showing the whole picture. Safari provides an unflinching portrait of animals in the wild with emphasis on endangered species..



Inspired by real instances of violence against LGBT+ people, Safari follows Elia, a member of a "hunting" group, who serves as an example of the dissonance felt when one is forced to suppress themselves. Emerging from this annihilation will be lacerating, but ineludible..

Crazy Safari

Crazy Safari

Un très vieux cadavre chinois, toujours charnu, est vendu aux enchères en Angleterre et acheté par un jeune homme d'affaires. Le cadavre se révèle être le corps de son troisième arrière-grand-père qu'il compte enterrer comme il se doit à Hong Kong. Pour l'empêcher de devenir un jiangshi, le descendant engage un prêtre taoïste pour le maintenir sous contrôle en utilisant un talisman jaune. Ils décident que le meilleur moyen de rapatrier le précieux ancêtre est de prendre un vol direct pour Hong Kong en jet privé. Pendant le trajet, l'avion a des problèmes de moteur et une altercation éclate entre le pilote et les deux passagers qui sautent en parachute au-dessus de l'Afrique avec le cadavre..

Tom et Jerry au safari

Tom et Jerry au safari

Tom et Jerry accompagnent un homme lors d'un safari dans la jungle. Comme d'habitude, Tom tente d'attraper Jerry, mais l'homme dans le safari ne supporte pas les singeries de Tom.