

Où voir La novia Netflix

The Bride

The Bride

Basé sur la célèbre pièce "Bodas de sangre" de Federico García Lorca, La novia raconte l'histoire d'un triangle amoureux passionné. Une jeune mariée quitte son époux, ne pouvant plus résister aux désirs pressants de son amant, Leonordo..

The Gypsy Bride

The Gypsy Bride

Elena Blanco, une inspectrice de la criminelle, est chargée d'élucider le meurtre d'une jeune femme qui était sur le point de se marier. Cette affaire fait écho à un autre drame familial survenu sept ans auparavant : le meurtre de la soeur de la victime, dans des circonstances identiques....

Bride's Avenue

Bride's Avenue

La calle de las novias is a Mexican telenovela produced by TV Azteca and Zuba Producciones. Directed by Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, it stars Silvia Navarro and Juan Manuel Bernal as protagonists..

Le fils de la mariée

Le fils de la mariée

Rafael Belvedere, un chef d'entreprise quadragénaire, tente de réaliser le rêve de son père Nino qui veut épouser, après tant d'années de vie commune, sa mère à l'église, vêtue de blanc et parée d'une couronne de fleurs. Or, celle-ci est atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer..

La Mariée sanglante

La Mariée sanglante

Nouvellement marié, un jeune noble s'installe avec son épouse Suzanne dans le manoir familial. Mais bientôt, Suzanne souffre de terribles cauchemars où une femme en robe de mariée la pousse à commettre des violences sanglantes..

La Fiancée du désert

La Fiancée du désert

Teresa, 54 ans, a toujours travaillé au service de la même famille jusqu'au jour où elle est contrainte d'accepter une place loin de Buenos Aires. Elle entame alors un voyage à travers l'immensité du désert argentin, et ce qui semblait être le bout du chemin va s'avérer le début d'une nouvelle vie..

My Girlfriend Is the Revolution

My Girlfriend Is the Revolution

Sofía, who is about to turn 15, doesn't like to party. She has just moved to Las Arboledas after the separation of her parents and spends her days in the boring company of her younger sister. The monotony disappears when she meets Eva, a girl with a rebellious attitude with whom she will discover love and the disappointments that accompanies it, a turbulent journey full of assaults, illusions and rock and roll..

Lazaro's Girlfriend

Lazaro's Girlfriend

Lazarus is a Cuban appeal that makes a living in Madrid. When his girlfriend Dolores travels from Cuba to Spain to live with him, he is in prison for kidnapping and attempted rape. Dolores tries to survive with a broken heart, but his sympathy and sensuality will make adjusting to life in Madrid and try to exceed the Lazarus drug addiction..

El espectro de la novia

El espectro de la novia

British-born David T. Bamberg was a magician who went by the stage name of Fu Manchu. He was so popular in Mexico and South America that he was given the opportunity to star in a series of crime / horror / mystery films between 1943 and 1949. This is one of them..

La novia de medianoche

La novia de medianoche

A wealthy woman twice widowed, lives with his family and two servants in a shady country house in Galicia in the late nineteenth century isolated from the world to hide a serious incident occurred in the family ten years earlier. This event is subject to certain blackmail the family of which will be released by the arrival at the mansion of two strangers who triggered the investigation of the facts and a change in the future family life..

La novia del tango

La novia del tango

Delia and Enrique, fellow bohemians, fall in love. Their worlds are different and she is the heir to a major industrialist. Enrique, recently graduated as an accountant, begins to work in her family's company, but due to management problems he must resign from the company and Delia as well..

Spring Bride

Spring Bride

To impress friends and family, Cristina pretends to be the fiancée of best-selling author Pablo Reyes. When Reyes shows up in town, he good-naturedly agrees to keep up the pretense..