

Future World sokroflix gratuit



Des jeunes obtiennent un "Journal du futur". Ce journal est un journal de téléphone portable qui prédit l'avenir, et ceux qui s'en emparent en subissent les conséquences du fait de devoir participer à un "jeu de survie". Avant de découvrir le journal, Hoshino Arata était un étudiant ordinaire, sans foi en l'avenir. Les efforts semblaient ingrats et l'avenir, eh bien, qui pourrait changer le destin ? Néanmoins, c'est le journal intime qui conduit Arata à voir demain comme un signe d'espoir. "Destruction et renaissance", "L'Amour Ultime". Ces thèmes s'entremêlent au fur et à mesure qu'Arata apprend à gérer le journal et ses conséquences, pour finalement gagner le jeu de survie qui lui est proposé..

Future – World – EXV

Future – World – EXV

“Film & Photographic Cosmic Travellers such as Wilfred Ukpong call forth non-prescriptive, non-linear readings of the past, and demand that the kaleidoscopic condition of personal, cultural and national memory is forged into new and different jazz-like rhythmic formations. Ukpong’s visual world is a place of no one direction, no solid state, as in the realm of African Cosmologies, political memory functions and agitates within personal and political space, positioning both the audience and the maker not as subjects fixed in any given moment, but as active time-bending agents continuously engaged across different spaces, temporalities and universes.” (Mark Sealy, ABP).

Pretty Cure All Stars DX3: Deliver the Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects the World

Pretty Cure All Stars DX3: Deliver the Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects the World

Precure All Stars Movie DX3: Deliver The Future! The Rainbow-Colored Flower That Connects The World is the third movie in the series, released on March 19, 2011, starring all the Cures from the previous series, including those introduced in Suite PreCure, as well as various villains featured in previous Pretty Cure movies. The theatrical release was edited in parts as a result of the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami which occurred before the movie was due to be released..

Future World: City of Mass Destruction

Future World: City of Mass Destruction

Set in a post apocalyptic landscape 28 thousand years into the future, "Future World: City of Mass Destruction" is an amazing vision of the last city on earth. After four atomic holocausts and the second Ice Age, only one city remains on our ravaged planet - a city on the edge of insanity, overrun by mutants and madmen, and largely controlled by the tyrannical Devoz Corporation. This dying metropolis is mired in the throes of a power struggle amongst the city's final three corporate dynasties. The surviving corporation must in the end turn to a tribe of Amazon warrior women it once tried to destroy to save their dying planet. Visionary director Daniel E. Falicki guides you through a world of lesbian warriors, insufferable Grugs, a vicious Spider Queen, and a Blue Genie with loads of "smokable" fun! Are YOU ready to party like it's the year 30,000? Then take a trip to FUTURE WORLD! A cutting edge rotoscoped feature in the style of Ralph Bakshi's "Heavy Metal," "Future World: City of ....

Science for Future World Leaders: Bioterrort

Science for Future World Leaders: Bioterrort

For most villains, making a nuclear bomb is a luxury they can't pay for. However, there are weapons of mass destruction that are incomparably more accessible - and can also cause terrible destruction. Viruses and bacteria also kill naturally, but when they get into the hands of a maniac, they can be more dangerous than a nuclear weapon. Imagine that you, as head of state, have the opportunity and duty to make important decisions that affect the fate of your country. What would you do if your state threatened biological terror? With the help of our scientists, we will provide you with all the necessary information....

Science for future world leaders: EMP

Science for future world leaders: EMP

We need electricity almost every minute of our lives. Everything depends on the flow - from the supply of drinking water to municipalities to transport; a more severe power outage would plunge our civilization back to the Stone Age. However, there are maniacs in the world who want to achieve this, and there seems to be a means by which they can implement their plan. A bomb operating on the principle of electromagnetic impulses, in other words an e-bomb, deactivates all electrical equipment in a single moment, which is practically equivalent to the destruction of civilization as such. Imagine that you, as head of state, have the opportunity and duty to make important decisions that affect the fate of your country. What would you do if your state was threatened by an e-bomb? With the help of our scientists, we will provide you with all the necessary information ....

Let's Visit the World of the Future

Let's Visit the World of the Future

A travelogue inviting viewers of today to come visit the future. The person who found this mysterious 16mm film in his basement in 1973, Rev. Ivan Stang, later ran The SubGenius Foundation, the Slack Prophecy religion devoted to Texas cult religion salesman J.R. "Bob" Dobbs..

Science for Future World Leaders: Nuclear Threat

Science for Future World Leaders: Nuclear Threat

We have known since the devastation of Hiroshima that nuclear weapons can cause unimaginable destruction. However, with the end of the Cold War, the danger of a nuclear attack did not dissipate: to this day, there are capable maniacs in the world who want nothing more than to deploy a nucleus to achieve their dubious goals. Imagine that you, as head of state, have the opportunity and duty to make important decisions that affect the fate of your country. What would you do if your state threatened the possibility of a nuclear attack? With the help of our scientists, we will provide you with all the necessary information ....

Walt Disney World 20th Anniversary Past, Present, and Future

Walt Disney World 20th Anniversary Past, Present, and Future

“Looks like another party celebrating the 20th anniversary of Walt Disney World”, Michael Eisner then Disney Company Chairman and CEO continues “It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since the Walt Disney World Resort has been dedicated in Florida, and our challenge is to make the next 20 years just as special. From the visions that started the magic to the increasable additions that make Walt Disney World the happiest place on earth. John Lithgow is our host, giving us a chance to take a look at Walt Disney from a different perspective. Not only do we get to look at the current attractions but a look at the planning that went into creating the number one family vacation destination in the world. The story starts about 3,000 miles west of Walt Disney World, in an orange grove. The Story of Walt Disney World starts… “Once Upon a time in 1955…”.

I Have Seen The Future: A Tour of the 1939 New York World's Fair

I Have Seen The Future: A Tour of the 1939 New York World's Fair

I Have Seen The Future: A Tour of the 1939 New York World's Fair is a musical documentary that guides you through one of the most remarkable and visually stunning international events in American history. Running for two seasons from April 1939 to October 1940, the fair was delicately counterpoised between the easing of the Great Depression and on the eve of World War II, an optimistic, yet fragile peak in American history..

Flight to the Future the World of Plastics

Flight to the Future the World of Plastics

Marge, a young flight attendant, is offered the chance to work a chartered flight her boyfriend Bill is piloting. On the trip are four members of a company engaged in the manufacturing of various plastics - Messrs. Arnold, Duncan, Harmon, and Casey. Mr. Arnold engages Marge in conversation about many of the ways plastics are used in modern life. Then Mr. Duncan tells her about more uses of plastics. Then Mr. Casey tells her about further uses of plastics. Then Mr. Harmon tells Marge about additional uses of plastics..

IRODUKU : Le Monde en couleur

IRODUKU : Le Monde en couleur

Dans un monde futur où la magie fait partie de la vie quotidienne, Hitomi Tsukishiro, 17 ans, descendante d'une famille de mages, perd sa capacité de voir les couleurs quand elle est petite et grandit sans émotion. Préoccupée par son futur, la grand-mère d'Hitomi, Kohaku, décide de la renvoyer dans le passé en 2018, où elle va découvrir un monde de couleurs éblouissantes..

Big George Foreman

Big George Foreman

L'invraisemblable histoire vraie de l'un des plus prodigieux retours de tous les temps d'un ex-champion des poids lourds et du pouvoir réformateur qu'offre une deuxième chance. Ayant grandi dans la pauvreté, Foreman a canalisé sa colère pour devenir médaillé d'or aux Olympiques et champion du monde des poids lourds, pour ensuite vivre une expérience de mort imminente qui l'a mené du ring de boxe à l'église. Mais lorsque sa communauté religieuse éprouve des difficultés financières et spirituelles, il remonte sur le ring et réécrit l'histoire en récupérant son titre, devenant le plus âgé et surprenant champion des poids lourds du monde de tous les temps..

Les Rescapés du futur

Les Rescapés du futur

En 1985, Chuck Browning (Peter Fonda) voit un certain Frenchy LaPorte (Ed Geldart), qui l'avait contacté, mourir devant lui en prononçant le mot "DELOS". Le reporter avait couvert deux ans plus tôt le massacre des touristes par les robots dans ce centre de loisirs futuriste. Ayant rouvert le centre, modernisé et agrandi, le docteur Duffy (Arthur Hill) invite Browning et sa collègue Tracy Ballard (Blythe Danner) pour juger impartialement..

Yor le chasseur du futur

Yor le chasseur du futur

Yor est un fier guerrier qui vit pendant la préhistoire. Il porte autour du cou un étrange collier dont la provenance reste un mystère. Désireux de découvrir son passé, il décide de rejoindre l'océan afin de comprendre qui il est. Son voyage périlleux le conduira, peu à peu, vers l'impensable vérité. En fait, Yor viendrait du futur....