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En 2006, l'arrivée de Lorne Malvo à Bemidji, une petite ville du Minnesota, ne passe pas inaperçue, notamment pour Lester Nygaard, un courtier qui se retrouve entraîné dans une spirale de violence. Molly Solverson et Gus Grimly enquêtent eux sur plusieurs meurtres. Une trentaine d'année auparavant, un policier, de retour au pays après la guerre du Vietnam, mène les investigations après un meurtre..



Jerry Lundegaard, vendeur de voitures d’occasion à Minneapolis est endetté jusqu’au cou. Pour s’en sortir, il fait appel à Carl Showalter et Gaear Grimsrud, deux escrocs à la petite semaine, pour qu’ils enlèvent son épouse Jean. Il pourra ainsi partager avec les ravisseurs la rançon que son riche beau-père paiera pour la libération de sa fille. Mais le plan va rapidement tourner au désastre..



The brother (House Peters Jr.) of rancher Bill Martin (Bill Elliott) is killed in a stampede started by cattleman. Bill returns to the Fargo country to take his brother's place and is welcomed by law-abiding cattleman MacKenzie (Jack Ingram)) and his daughter Kathy (Phyllis Coates). The leader of the ruthless cattle interests are townsman Austin (Arthur Space) and his henchmen Red (Myron Healey), Link (Robert J. Wilke) and Albord (Terry Frost). Bill has the idea of putting up barbed wire to keep the herds from been driven over the land cultivated by the farmers. He, aided by Tad Sloan (Fuzzy Knight), produces the wire by make-shift methods, but it proves effective. The cattleman charge in court that the wire is dangerous to their herds but lose the case. Austin orders his men to seize Bill, bale him in strands of the wire, and throw him on the stage of the town hall during a fall festival. Bill doesn't take kindly to this and it precipitates open war..



Marge Gunderson, the still pregnant police chief of Brainerd, Minnesota, investigates the murder of a town pharmacist, shot in a snowy parking lot by a stranger who was helping jump his car battery. Meantime, an old man dies of exposure in his ice fishing house, leading one of his sons to kidnap the body. Snow, snow, everywhere..



It is common within Romani communities for children at the age of 13 to drop out of school to get married. But this is not the case of the children of the first-ever Roma Robotics team, who struggle to overcome the segregation of their community, travel all the way to USA, finish school and change their life paths..