

El campo voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

El Campo

El Campo

Elisa et Santiago achètent une maison de campagne et s’y rendent avec leur fille de 2 ans pour prévoir des travaux et passer quelques jours de vacances. Loin de la ville, Elisa commence à éprouver des sensations inconnues. Sa vie lui semble vide et dépourvue de sens. Entre elle et Santiago, une distance s’installe..

Carlitos, le but de ses rêves

Carlitos, le but de ses rêves

Le jeune orphelin Cartlitos (Guillermo Campra) a deux rêves dans la vie : trouver une famille d’accueil et devenir joueur de football. Le professeur de sport et ses amis vont l’aider à réaliser ses deux rêves, déjouant tous les plans cruels du Directeur de l’orphelinat..

El campo para el hombre

El campo para el hombre

"El campo para el hombre" was a politically militant documentary about the small holdings of land in the north of Spain and the large estates in the south of the country. This film portrays the exploitation and misery of the Spanish peasants, but also their class-consciousness and their will to fight for their rights and freedom. The film was shot in the late years of Franco's dictatorship, so it was made in secrecy (the directors were connected to the Spanish Communist Party)..

Atravesando el campo

Atravesando el campo

A dreamer with a calm and minstrel attitude lays on the grass, recites a poem and makes an offer to a tree. Is he dreaming, or is he a part of a dream? A contemporary peasant dress in a nostalgic revolution’s uniform, goes with his work routine in the countryside, takes care of the cows and thinks about the meaning of death and dream. The real documents and fiction blends into the path of the characters in a rural area in Cuba, and becomes a metaphor of an island inside another island or a dream inside another dream..

What Remains in Me

What Remains in Me

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past”, is announced in white letters, emulating the VHS format and quoting a famous line by American writer William Faulkner on the screen before the appearance of the protagonist in an everyday situation. This quote is the introduction and declaration of principles of What remains in me, director Tamara Mesri’s debut feature film. Through several meetings, reunions and the meticulous display of archival material (including photographs and family documents), the film recreates the story of Luba Alkon de Biegún, the filmmaker’s grandmother and an Holocaust survivor..

El Campo Sin Flores

El Campo Sin Flores

Dalia lives confined with her grandfather and her mother in a country house, since after a war many mines were forgotten near her house. Her grandfather becomes seriously ill and Dalia realizes that the only thing that can cure her pain are some flowers that are in the minefield. Dalia faces the decision to stay in her house and see her family collapse, or go out to look for the flower that could heal everyone's pain..

Alcira y el campo de espigas

Alcira y el campo de espigas

Alcira Soust Scaffo is a Uruguayan poet who became a legend by hiding in a bathroom for the 12 days that the Mexican army occupied a university in 1968. A woman whose life oscillated between delirium and sanity, between rooftops, trees and houses. A forgotten and unforgettable poet..

Orpheus Filmed on the Battlefield

Orpheus Filmed on the Battlefield

In December 1968 I participated in the film Orpheus Shot on the Battlefield, which originated as a collective work, a movie without an author, but which would ultimately be attributed to Antonio Maenza in the end even though he only played the role of the director in the film. The film, which was never provided a soundtrack, was screened on several occasions with a soundtrack performed live consisting of a text for three voices and a number of musical pieces, among which were the “descent into hell” from the opera L’Orfeo by Monteverdi in the version by Edward H. Tarr, released in 1968 by Erato, “New York 1963 – America 1968” from Every One of Us by Eric Burdon and the Animals; and “The Return of the Son of the Monster Magnet” from Freak Out by [Frank Zappa and] The Mothers of Invention. After the “state of emergency” in January 1969, an epilogue was shot but it was never developed..