

Comment regarder Antigone sur Netflix gratuitement



À l'aide de Sophocle, Brecht et Hölderlin, Danièle Huillet et Jean-Marie Straub s'attaquent au mythe d'Antigone, la farouche sœur de Polynice, qui opposa les raisons du cœur à la raison d’État..



Antigone est une adolescente brillante au parcours sans accroc. En aidant son frère à s'évader de prison, elle agit au nom de sa propre justice, celle de l'amour et la solidarité. Désormais en marge de la loi des hommes, Antigone devient l'héroïne de toute une génération et pour les autorités, le symbole d'une rébellion à canaliser....



Antigone, condamnée à mort pour avoir enterré son frère Polynice, en dépit de l'interdiction de leur oncle Créon un tyran, défend les lois non écrites du devoir moral..



Antigone asks the question of the difference between the spirit of the Law and the letter of the Law. This elemental ancient play about - honor, loyalty, love, betrayal and conviction - resonates as sharply and as damning today as it did when it was written 2,500 years ago..



Dean’s work is characterized by a sense of history, time and place, light quality, and the essence of the film itself. In line with these themes, the project will compose of a two-screen 35 mm film installation celebrating the quality and techniques of photochemical film. Derived from the origin of her own sister’s name, Antigone takes its starting point from the undramatized part between two of Sophocles’ three Theban plays, Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus, whose mythological character, Antigone, guides her blind and lame father, Oedipus, through the wilderness. The film will underscore the importance of film experimentation and highlight the endeavor of film, as a medium, to find a form between art, cinema and theater..



The classical Epic is reduced to the bare bones of the action. Despite the seven minutes of turbulent action, it is actually a slow film: in the war against Kreon, one of Antigone's brothers fights for the king, one against him. Both die. One of them is buried; the other is left lying on the street. Antigone goes against the king's wishes and wants to bury her brother. As a punishment Antigone is buried alive behind a wall. Her fiancé, Haimon dies, overcome with grief. Haiman's mother, Eurydike, is so upset by his death that she hangs herself. And just as the old soothsayer predicted, the king himself finds no happiness from all this death: he is killed. That makes 6 deaths, even though the war is over..



“Shot in an abandoned warehouse, documenting a contemporary adaptation of the Oedipus story by a group of Toronto experimental filmmakers, Antigone is both a documentary about searching for meaning and validity in the old story, and a fiction about the failure to find any value but parody.” - Gary Popovich.

Theban Plays: Antigone

Theban Plays: Antigone

In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial..

Antigone 34

Antigone 34

Antigone 34, c’est le nom du commissariat où exerce Léa. Sous la pression d’un ennemi invisible et puissant, elle s’attache à un médecin radié et marginal, Victor Carlier, et à une psychologue anticonformiste Hélène de Soyère. Ses enquêtes sur des crimes « ordinaires » croisent des enjeux locaux et universels... Antigone fait référence à un quartier de Montpellier, département 34 : Hérault, où se déroule principalement l'action..