

Comment faire pour télécharger Daas gratuitement

Règles de trois

Règles de trois

Quatre courts-métrages explorent les façons surprenantes dont des déclencheurs inattendus enflamment les émotions gênantes couvant sous les relations fragilisées..

Karmaphal Daata Shani

Karmaphal Daata Shani

The story of the series is based on the life of God Shani, who is known for his wrath. The serial also shows Vishnu and Shiva as Shani's mentors. It also shows Shani's tough childhood, getting the rank of Karmafaldaata, downfall, return to Suryalok, marriage, getting his wife's curse and finally his return as Karmfaldaata..

D*A*A*S Kapital

D*A*A*S Kapital

DAAS Kapital is an Australian television comedy series which was written and performed by comedy trio the Doug Anthony All Stars. The show starred Paul McDermott, Tim Ferguson and Richard Fidler, along with Flacco, Michael Petroni, Bob Downe and Khym Lam. The first season of seven episodes was broadcast on Australia's ABC network in 1991. A second series was produced and went to air on the ABC in 1992. The title is a reference to the trio's acronym "DAAS" and Karl Marx's economic treatise Das Kapital. The series was aired in 18 countries including Japan, Britain, USA and Germany. The series was released on DVD on 20 March 2013 with commentary by the All Stars and a new, original song. On 13 April 2013, the All Stars reunited for a one-off show celebrating the launch of the DVD set..



Zara Hidayatullah and Maleeha Sami were two close friends for a span of seven years. Zara belongs to a lower-middle-class family while Maleeha comes from an upper class household. Yet their class difference did not threaten their unbreakable bond. Maleeha had been there for her friend through many hardships, but she never really felt the extent of anguish which plagued Zara's life..



Antony falls in love with Rajeswari who belongs to an upper caste family. When her father kills her sister for marrying a man from the lower caste, she decides to elope with Antony..



After the passing away of her parents, Mangala moves in with her maternal uncle, his wife, and five cousins, who all live a poor lifestyle in a small town. She has a sweetheart in Anoop and hopes to marry him someday. When Anoop hesitates, her marriage is arranged elsewhere, however, on the day of the marriage, the groom meets with an accident and passes away. Her aunt quickly gets her married to a singer named Anand. After the marriage, Mangala is shocked to find that Anand is blind and detests him..