

Claire sokroflix gratuit



Acting : Claire
popularity : 0.421
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Claire en streaming gratuit.



Acting : Claire
popularity : 0.74
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Claire en streaming gratuit.

Des yeux dans la nuit

Des yeux dans la nuit

Une jeune femme est prise de rêves prémonitoires qu'elle ne parvient pas à expliquer. Lorsque son compagnon meurt en mer, elle regrette de ne pas avoir davantage écouté ses terribles visions. Plus tard, deux nouveaux mystérieux décès sont à déplorer: les autorités comprennent que quelqu'un a agi avec les pires intentions. Avec l'aide du shérif Harry, Claire va tenter de faire avancer l'enquête..



Loosely based on a Japanese fairytale, an elderly couple on a farm in the 1920's South find a little girl from the moon inside an ear of corn and raise her as their own..

Cinquante nuances plus claires

Cinquante nuances plus claires

Plus heureux que jamais, Anastasia et Christian forment désormais un couple solide. Cependant, leur bonheur est troublé par Jack Hyde, l'ancien patron d'Anastasia et par une nouvelle qui pourrait détruire leur relation..



Directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Nick Reed & Ryan Azevedo, the film tells the story of activist and Claire’s Place Foundation Founder Claire Wineland through interviews and footage, exploring her fight with cystic fibrosis and how she has inspired millions to find purpose and to live proudly..



Drama - High school football hero Jack couldn't care less when unknown classmate Claire was killed by a drunk driver. After her death, clues indicate she may have had a secret crush on him. Jack's newfound interest sparks issues within his own social circle as he uncovers "friends" who had wronged her in the past. His own life and sanity spiral out of control as curiosity turns to obsession. Did Jack play an unwitting role in Claire's death? - Aidan Bristow, Cory Driscoll, Avital Ash.



A doctor's second wife is tormented by the presence of his pet cat, which reminds her of the fact that she was involved in her husband's first wife's drowning..



In a castle full of hedgehogs, an engineer is trying to satisfy her king, who wants her to create an unusual machine. After being thrown away for her failure, she finds an hedgehog on her head which gives a brilliant idea. She presents her new invention to the king, astonished : she reveals a pinscreen made out of hedgehogs and their spines..



A woman and her daughter each struggle with their own self-destructive behavior while trying to keep a dark secret between them..



On her first night in Berlin, a young woman gathers the courage to go out alone. A meeting with a few locals at her corner bar, however, leads her to more adventure than she bargained for..



As Claire recounts the personal tragedy that turned her life upside down, we learn how a local community came together to support a woman on the brink, and how she went on to tackle the injustices in UK law, to try and stop others from suffering the same tragic events..



Claire is composed of digital scans and blow-ups of a series of three ink-on-paper artworks created in 2012 by French-Spanish researcher, publisher and artist Claire Latxague. While collecting drawings, written documents and other printed materials for a (yet unreleased) project called Un film de papier, I’ve stumbled upon Latxague’s artwork, entitled À la renverse. The blow-ups were made in an attempt of unearthing cartographic imagery in abstract compositions..



The handicapped John Tuthill Crane is seized by his mother with "cannibal love". The heavily rich woman knows how to arrange his life in such a way that he is and remains dependent on her in every way. In his 37th year, John meets a girl on a vacation trip who also claims him completely for herself. She persuades him to murder his mother and he agrees. But at the moment when his lover and him want to throw his mother from a train running over a viaduct, John becomes weak, and his mother and him together plunge John's lover into the depths..

Les aventures de Claire et Tipoune

Les aventures de Claire et Tipoune

Morimura Aiko est une lycéenne de petite taille pour son âge. Son père est parti sur un yacht il y a dix ans et ses allées et venues sont restées dans l'obscurité. Sa mère, créatrice de chapeaux, est partie pour Paris, laissant Aiko à sa charge. oncle, M. Fujinami. Aiko avait un chien de compagnie, Papi, mais il est mort dans un accident de voiture. À peu près au même moment, un autre chien, Spank, apparaît devant elle. Après avoir traversé tant d'événements malheureux dans sa vie, la présence de Spank commence à égayez la vie d'Aiko et mettez un sourire sur son visage..