

Ícarus sokroflix gratuit



Après la chute de lUnion Soviétique, Icarus, un agent à la solde du KGB, a décidé de refaire sa vie aux Etats-Unis sous une nouvelle identité. Aujourdhui Edward Genn est un homme daffaires, marié et père de famille, qui a presque oublié son passé de tueur. Mais de dangereux ennemis ressurgissent du passé et sen prennent à ce qu'il a de plus cher : sa femme et sa fille. Icarus va devoir ressortir les armes pour les protéger.



Un cycliste américain déclenche un vaste scandale de dopage impliquant un expert russe, le lanceur d'alerte le plus recherché par Poutine..



A story about the god Pan arriving in New York that pokes fun at the very programmed dimension of modern life..



When a Mars colony's comm satellite is damaged, Emilia Riley embarks on a seemingly harmless repair excursion. A shuttle malfunction cuts connectivity to the ground and Chris, her son, makes the knee jerk decision to go after her..



The Greek myth retold with film animation, accompanied by music for flute. Music, drawing, colour and movement here follow a moving, classic restraint. Daedalus, inventor of many things, provides the wings to escape from Crete, but Icarus, his son, impetuously flies too close to the sun. In this film, artist and composer share equal pleasure in the telling, with a feeling the audience will share. A film without words..



Icarus is a short story on the volatile, fast pace, nature of college relationships. One day you're flying, the next you're in the water..



The film Icarus by artist Giorgio Andreotta Calò (Italy, 1979) was produced after Calò visited the butterfly garden in the former Emmen Zoo and discovered that the place immediately touched him. The butterfly garden was an attraction many Emmen residents loved to visit - its opening, in 1985, even earned Emmen the nickname 'butterfly city'. Since the old zoo moved to a new location and became Wildlands, however, the building has fallen into such disrepair that it had to be demolished in early 2021. Just before that happened, Calò screened Icarus: a film about two entomologists, butterfly experts, who go through a process of birth, blossoming and destruction, all taking place in the abandoned garden, with the myth of Icarus flying to the sun and dying providing an important narrative in the background..



Stuck in a non-conventional sort of relationship with his friend Rayu, Kenneth carries the burden of giving it all to his friend without expressing his real feelings. But when things went out of control after an unintentional mistake, Kenneth deals with the consequences of losing himself for a guy - just how Icarus burned his wings off after flying too close to the sun..

Codename Icarus

Codename Icarus

Codename Icarus is a British television series produced by the BBC in 1981. The series combined elements of teenage drama and conspiracy thriller. It involved child prodigies being manipulated as the basis for a complex scheme involving nuclear missiles and the mysterious Icarus Foundation's plot to take over the world. It starred Barry Angel as child prodigy Martin Smith and Philip Locke as John Doll. The BBC and Knight books released a novelization of the series by Richard Cooper in 1981. The serial has been released on DVD in the United States. The location for the scenes when the children were at school was the Redrice School, just outside Andover, Hampshire, UK. This school has since been renamed as the Farleigh School. All the child extras came from the Harrow Way Community School in Andover..

Kyle Kinane: Whiskey Icarus

Kyle Kinane: Whiskey Icarus

Kinane's first one-hour comedy special "Whiskey Icarus," during which the gruff-voiced funny man dishes on unsliced pizza, stereotypes, chivalry, single white dudes at the movie theater, suburbia and some weirdo who brought a bag of pancakes onto a plane.